
Refinance is one of your top-performing categories. 32% of Kitchen Tune-Up customers have recently refinanced their home. Consumers who refinance typically are reinvesting in their home and will spend a minimum of 6-7 additional years in their home. This segment has been customized for Kitchen Tune-Up by focusing on refinances with a home value of $150,000+.

A variety of choices
Determine the targeting plan that works best for your territory and budget.

Customize your message and offers
Our powerful customization engine allows you to adjust your message and offer based on the audience you're reaching.

Reach the right audience
Increase sales and establish repeat business by sending your advertising exactly where you want. Target by zip code or draw exact boundaries of where you want to market.

Stand out from the crowd
Our oversized residential mail pieces ensure that every recipient will see, touch and make a decision about your marketing.

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Profitable Prospect

Saturate all households

Profitable Prospects is the title we’re labeling another unique segment within the Kitchen Tune-Up customer data. This consumer segment is a homeowner who purchased their home 36 months ago with a home 10+ years ago.

New Homeowners

average mailed every two weeks

New Homeowners are purchasing too! Looking at post contract date, New Homeowners are 27% of your database, and this is without marketing. This number typically increases once the segment is marketed to. Contract data shows an optimal marketing cycle of right when moving in, 60 days, and 120 days. This segment has been customized to offer the option to remarket at these intervals, plus the option to set a Home Value select to customize your marketing for your specific market area.

Neighborhood Targeting

Neighborhood Targeting enables you to target market to a specific neighborhood of Homeowners. If you have recently done a remodel in a neighborhood, most-likely other homes nearby also will need kitchen remodels. This program enables you to draw boundaries specifically around the neighborhood you want to target and create your custom message to those neighbors.

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